
SummerDance: Performance Week (Ages 9-18)
SummerDance: Performance Week culminates at a public performance at the Rosendale Theatre on the evening of August 8th. All Summer-Dancers take the skills they learned during the previous week and bring their dance to life, choreographed by the SummerDance Faculty. LEARN MORE & REGISTER
SummerDance: Performance Week (Ages 9-18)
SummerDance: Performance Week culminates at a public performance at the Rosendale Theatre on the evening of August 9th. All Summer-Dancers take the skills they learned during the previous week and bring their dance to life, choreographed by the SummerDance Faculty. LEARN MORE & REGISTER

SpringDance Class Series
Register now for Spring classes! Series begins: April 2 - ends: June 3rd. Culminating dance recital pageant at Beltane Spring Festival, May 8, 2024. LEARN MORE & REGISTER

WinterDance 2024
WinterDance registration has begun! Sign up now. Classes begin January 8th, 2024, end March 18. Learn more & sign up.

🍂Aging Gracefully with the Feldenkrais Method (R)
Wednesdays | Stone Ridge | 5:00-6:00PM | Debra Waner
8 class series begins OCTOBER 4TH - ENDS NOVEMBER 29 (NO CLASS ON NOVEMBER 22)
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Learn more & register.

🍂Adult Intermediate Modern Dance
8 class series begins Sept 21, ends Nov 9 | Thursdays | 6:00-7:30pm | Adult | Timna Kligler. This class series will build and develop physical conversations around big juicy moves, improvisational decision-making, and cultivating tenderness and wildness. This is a place to sweat, spiral, fall, make decisions and change our minds, break down 'technique' and then break away from it, and most of all ask questions and more questions. Come prepared to engage with phrase-material, improvisation, and happy sweat. Drop-ins welcome! Some experience in a dance context is strongly encouraged. REGISTER NOW

Indian Contemporary Dance Workshop
ONE NIGHT ONLY! On Wed 9.27.23, 6:00-7:30, join us for a special evening of Indian Contemporary Dance with guest artist Vidushi Gupta. Explore an artform of movement inspired by Indian classical Folk dance, infused with modern elements of contemporary dance. Experience the natural rhythm of your body supported by breath, emotions, and energy centers (chakras). SIGN UP NOW.

🍂 FallDance Classes (New Paltz & Stone Ridge)
We have ALL NEW class offerings this season, for ages 2-adult. Please familiarize yourself with the new schedule, class times, ages, and locations. LEARN MORE & REGISTER

Adult Classes: Summer Series
That’s right! We are offering classes for adults this summer. Anyone, aged 18+, may drop in to a dance class during our SummerDance Intensive at MaMA—or sign up a whole series. LEARN MORE & SIGN UP NOW

SpringDance Class Series
Register now for Spring classes! Series begins: March 14 - ends: May 18
Culminating dance recital pageant at Beltane Spring Festival, May 20, 2023

WinterDance Class Series
Register now for Winter classes. Series runs from Jan 10-Mar 9th.