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With each performance, The Vanaver Caravan aims to educate, entertain, and inspire our audiences. We draw from a vast repertoire of dances and music gathered around the world. Our shows fuse story-telling, cultural history, traditional world and American folk music, with original choreography by Livia Vanaver and full orchestral accompaniment composed by Bill Vanaver.
Turn Turn Turn
Turn, Turn, Turn celebrates Pete Seeger’s life and legacy through music and dance. The program was inspired by Bill and Livia Vanaver’s 40-year relationship with the legendary musician and activist, and his visionary wife, Toshi. This full-length, multimedia production features a full cast of professional dancers and musicians.
Pastures of Plenty
Inspired by the “father of the American folk song revival,” Woody Guthrie, Pastures of Plenty transports the audience to America in the early 20th century; a time of union strikes, dust bowl ballads, and tales of vigilantes, gangsters and fallen migrants.
A riveting whirlwind of world dance and music takes audiences on an inspiring journey around the globe. The performance focuses on the rhythms which different cultures have evolved to express their need to harmonize with the earth.
Into the light
The Caravan's holiday show collaboration with Arm-of-the-Sea Theater. This magical, multicultural pageant has thrilled audiences of all ages with live music, puppetry, storytelling, and dances from all over the world.
A revival of the choreographic legacy of Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn. Recreated by Jane Sherman, the youngest member of the Denishawn Company in 1920, and mentor to Livia and Bill Vanaver. This show features works from "Five American Sketches" by Ted Shawn and solos and duets such as "Bakawali Nautch", "Tillers of the Soil" and "Legend of the Peacock" by Ruth St. Denis.
Ballad of Polly Vaughn
The Ballad of Polly Vaughn by composer Bill Vanaver is a symphonic ballet for chamber orchestra with chorus with alto soloist. The folk ballet is based on an Appalachian ballad, with Southern Mountain styling throughout . . .