Alumni Spotlight: Marina Lopez

Alumni Spotlight: Marina Lopez

This week we caught up with Marina Lopez, god-daughter of Livia and Bill, and life-long member of The Vanaver Caravan—playing every role imaginable within the organization. Marina wrote beautiful, intelligent, and moving responses to each question we asked her. By reading about her life with us, you will truly understand what it is to be educated and raised by an institution such as The Vanaver Caravan.

Alumna Spotlight: Moraya Seeger Degeare

Alumna Spotlight: Moraya Seeger Degeare

This week, we caught up with Moraya Seeger Degeare, beloved granddaughter of Pete and Toshi Seeger. Moraya danced as a Caravan Kid throughout her childhood and has stayed a good friend of The Vanaver Caravan ever since. Today, she is a licensed family therapist and a loving mother and wife. She recently moved back to her family roots by the Hudson river with her husband and three year old son. Read about her accomplishments and fond memories from her childhood.

Alumni Spotlight: Adrienne Barr Chait

Alumni Spotlight: Adrienne Barr Chait

This week, we checked in with Adrienne Barr Chait, who stumbled upon The Vanaver Caravan at age fourteen, as the first Youth Company was forming, and fell in love with dance and movement. She now runs a holistic healing practice in NYC and is a mother of three. Read her beautiful insights on family, movement, motherhood, and how TVC influenced her on her path.

Alumni Spotlight: Sariyah Idan

Alumni Spotlight: Sariyah Idan

... I think what made a more lasting impact on me is that Livia and Bill live [their] mission as people--it’s not just a job practice, it’s their way of life and thus by extension I believe it becomes a way of life for anyone who spends significant time in their community. — Sariyah Idan

Alumni Spotlight: Rachel List

This week, we caught up with Rachel List, who was part of the first Vanaver Company in the 1970s-'80s.  Read about Rachel's experience on the road with Bill & Liv, and how The Vanaver Caravan has influenced the incredible life she has lived since then.