Reflections & Upcoming Shows
As the New Year begins, we look back at some of our 2018 highlights—and give you some sneak peeks for what’s to come in 2019!
2018 Reflections, 2019 Resolutions
Today, we reflect on a year filled with song, movement, and development, and look forward to a new year of celebration, performance, and travel.
As our friends know, The Vanaver Caravan is made up of a many moving pieces. We have robust dance programs for children and teens in the Hudson Valley; 35 years of enriching arts-education programs in schools across New York State; we have an umbrella in India called Shakti Caravan; and—of course—our international touring Company is always on the move.
What Has The Company Been Up To This Year?
We have been in development for our newest show, Turn Turn Turn: Celebrating Pete Seeger in Dance & Music, in celebration of Pete Seeger’s 100th Birthday this year!
See Turn Turn Turn on May 5th at the Bardavon Opera House. More details to come.
What Has Our Dance Institute Been Up To?
Our Caravan Kids and Youth Company have been growing steadily this past year. Our dancers just finished seven sold out performances of our holiday show, Into the Light, and are taking a well-deserved break!
In 2019, we are excited to…
Host the 29th Annual DanceFest 2019 - March 2nd (rain date March 3rd)
Perform with our entire Dance Institute at 29th Annual Beltane Festival - April 28th
We have TWO full weeks of Caravan Kids Week - July 8-12 & 15-19
SummerDance on Tour will take place on July 22-Aug 10
What Has Shakti Caravan Been Up To?
Three 2018 Shakti Caravan Teaching Tours:
January - February saw Bill & Livia teaching at the Akiyam School in Auroville, Pondicherry.
In April, Samantha and Brian Lawton and Joel Hannah taught at the Happy Hours School Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
In July, Bharat Verma traveled to New York to teach at SummerDance.
Two Upcoming Shakti Caravan Programs!
January - February 2019: Livia and Bill will return to the Akiyam school in Auroville and head to Udaipur to teach and perform with our friends, Sayari Roots of Gypsy.
April 2019 - Miranda ten Broeke will return to Udaipur to teach in schools and develop a performance on the site of the Shakti Academy.
What Have Our Schools Been Up To?
Our school programs are the cornerstone of what we do and we have had the honor to work in 19 schools this year. In 2018, we taught world dance and fostered cultural understanding to over 1200 students.
As always, we stand committed to our mission to inspire, through dance and music, the harmonious co-existence of world cultures and traditions, to promote peace and celebrate our humanity. Thanks for being a part of our mission and our community!
Jump on the bandwagon, join the 'Caravan! We have a lot in store for SummerDance on Tour (SDoT). Refresh yourself this July and August with performance workshops from our SummerDancers, Caravan Kids, Youth Company, and Professional Company.
Jump on the bandwagon, join the 'Caravan!
We have a lot in store for SummerDance on Tour (SDoT). Refresh yourself this July and August with performance workshops from our SummerDancers, Caravan Kids, Youth Company, and Professional Company.
Classes, Workshops & Summer Intensives:
7/16 – 7/20/18 >>> CaravanKids Summer Workshop Center for Symbolic Studies, (CSS) $250 half day 9:00 – 12:30; $375 full day 9:00 – 3:00. The week-long program introduces children to the wonderful world of dance! But CK Week is so much more than just a dance program - it's a full week of adventure, movement, art, imagination, and creativity. (CK WEEK IS AT CAPACITY)
7/23 – 8/10/18 >>> SummerDance on Tour (SDoT) Center for Symbolic Studies, three week workshop that engages students in a wide variety of dance forms and styles that expand their perceptions and vocabulary in the world of dance, while also piquing their performance skills. Classes are for all levels, and include subjects such as Modern, Percussive, Swing, Bollywood / Indian Folk, Flamenco, Improvisation, Choreography, Ballet, and more. REGISTER NOW.
7/21 - 9/8 >>> Two Bollywood Dance Class Series with Bharat Verma. 1) Eight Saturday Classes at Mountain Laurel Waldorf School, 10am-11am. Dates: July 21, 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25, Sept 1, 8, 2018 Price: $18 for single/drop in classes or $120/full series. 2) Eight-Class Summer Intensive at Stone Mountain Farm. Weeknights, 6pm. Dates: July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and July 30, 31 and and August 2, 2018. Price: $18 for single/drop-in classes or $120/full series. REGISTER NOW.
Performances & Community Dances:
7/28/18, 5:00 pm >> World Dance & Music for Families Performance, Rosendale Theatre, $15. The Vanaver Caravan presents World Dance and Music for Families: a riveting whirlwind of world dance and music which brings audiences on a journey around the globe.
7/29/18, 9:00 pm >> EarthBeat Performance, Mohonk Mountain House, Book dinner or an overnight. and stay to see the performance at this breathtakingly beautiful landmark property. (Performance for Mohonk Guests only)
8/3/18, 5:00 pm >> **SDoT Performance, Rail Trail Café, Tillson, NY. Rajastani and Bollywood performance with Bharat. Free.
8/4/18, 1:30 pm >> SDoT Performance, Bon Odori Festival, Kingston Point Rotary Park, Free. Day long festival includes traditional Japanese dance, performance and audience participation. Free (Festival 12pm-8pm).
8/4/18, 7:30 pm >> World Dance & Music Performance and Community Dance, hosted by Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, Ashokan Center, Ashokan, NY. $15, $10 for youth 16 years and under uggested donation to SummerDance on Tour" program, which offers scholarship to children in need to study with these world class teachers every summer.
8/5/18, 6:00 pm >> The Vanaver Caravan & SDoT Performance, Towne Crier Café, Beacon, NY. $15/ticket ($20 at the door), ½ price for children under 12yrs.
8/8/18, 2:00 pm >> SDoT World Dance Performance, Woodland Pond, New Paltz, NY (Private Event)
8/9/18, time tba >> SDoT World Dance Performance at PS21 in Chatham. More info TBA.
8/10/18, 6:00 pm >> SDoT Performance, Outpost BBQ Kerhonkson, NY, suppertime performance and Community Dance. ($6).
8/11/18, 4:00 pm >> Flamenco Performance with Anna Librada Mazo, Rosendale Theatre, Hudson Valley Flamenco Festival. $15 ($20 at the door)
8/12/18, 2:00 pm >> Dance Film Sunday: La Chana, SDoT Performance and Film, Rosendale Theatre, Rosendale, NY ($12/$10 members/$6 for 12 and under)
8/13/18, 6:00 pm >> TVCWorld Dance & Music Performance, United Nations Youth Delegate Convention, NYC
** All SummerDance on Tour (SDoT) Performances feature Company Members, Faculty, and SDoT participants.
Please check back here frequently for schedule updates and changes.
We look forward to dancing with you this summer!
Celebrating International Women's Day, internationally.
The Shakti Caravan 2018 tour continues! Livia and Bill Vanaver are currently in Udaipur, India, working under The Vanaver Caravan and Shakti Academy's partnership umbrella, Shakti Caravan. Read reflections from Livia & Bill about their time in and around Auroville, and the moving projects they took part in creating.