Juliet Wilde ten Broeke

Juliet Wilde ten Broeke

Juliet Wilde ten Broeke has dedicated her talents to various roles within The Vanaver Caravan. She is the incoming Program Director for CaravanKids and a long-time and beloved faculty member. Juliet has a rich history with The Vanaver Caravan, having been a dancer in the Dance Institute since the age of 4.

Beyond her contributions to the Caravan, Juliet is an avid baker and the creative force behind Doodles Delicacies, where she channels her culinary skills to create delightful baked goods. Her nurturing nature is reflected in her many years of experience as a caretaker and nanny, roles that underscore her commitment to supporting and caring for others.

Juliet's dedication to community service is further evidenced by her work with the Maya Gold Foundation, where she has contributed to meaningful initiatives aimed at empowering youth. She holds a BA in Communications from SUNY New Paltz.


Jill Ann Schwartz


Matoaka Little Eagle